In the past few months my faith has grown prior to even knowing what was in my future. I have a friend who is going through an ordeal that has grown her faith immensely and we have talked and shared at length about what God is doing in her life. Also at the beginning of this year my son started a family group to keep each other focused to read the Bible completely in a year. Coincidence? No I do not believe so.
I admit I was shaken and upset at first, totally expected I'm sure, after all I'm human!! But then my faith kicked in and I called my family and friends who started the prayers coming my way. I know God is hearing all of the prayers and will see me though this. I don't know all the details of what is going to happen until I see the surgeon Thursday.
This was what I read today on Facebook! This gives me so much encouragement. I have prayed for unwavering faith, to keep my eyes on the Lord and not doubt. I have to be positive and have a good mental attitude about this.

I have also chosen this as my motto through this. I am going through a valley for a reason, what reason I do not know yet and may not until I see Jesus in heaven. We have an awesome God who knows what we have been chosen to do and uses us to be the light for this world. I am praying that this journey will make me stronger and help me to see clearer what God wants me to do.

My two stress relievers are cooking and sewing, I have been doing a lot of cooking today with plans to continue working on a quilt later today. I am focusing on all things positive! God, family, friends, and my creative outlets. In just the past two days I am overwhelmed by the friends God has given me, they are praying me through this! My family is awesome, so supportive and I have the most amazing husband!
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. Isaiah 41:10
I hate you are going through this. You are ever in my heart and in my prayers. Nothing that has happened in the past three years is coincidental. God has grown both of us through my ordeal and will continue to draw us closer to Him as we walk through your ordeal together. I love you, my sweet dear sister and best friend.