I finished this quilt last week and she picked it up Sunday.

I quilted her degree into this one, which is something new I've not tried before and I think this will be something I can expand on with future quilts. I like the way it looks.

I always have my little buddy with me while I'm sewing and you can see what happens with the scraps from the t-shirts. Ginger thinks they make a dandy place to sleep.

I'm currently working on this one to have it done for Christmas. My next step is the border which I found the perfect fabric for the border and back in Jamesport, MO. I was there for a quilt retreat and they have a lovely fabric store with beautiful fabric. I found flannel for the back along with some other fabric I just couldn't live without!!
To all my friends out there, yes I am enjoying retirement to the fullest!!!!!!!!!
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